Montbello 2020, rno

To Inspire,

To Educate,

To Empower.

Montbello is a premier, relationship driven community that takes pride in its beauty and values education, safety, diversity and inclusiveness. Montbello 2020 strives to give the community a voice and empowers to create a better future for all.

Our mission is to:

  • Enhance the quality of life in our neighborhood.
  • Encourage everyone to be a participant in community wide education and outreach.
  • Work together with residents, businesses and local government to improve the beauty and safety for all.
  • Bridge communication with outside sources to the community.

For all residents living in the Montbello neighborhood, it is up to us homeowners, tenants and business owners to help build a foundation of respect, unity, leadership, and equality. This will ensure the sustainable health of our community in partnership with our children, elders, families and business owners. As a community, we need to keep our neighborhood safe, beautiful and educated about the vast diversity of resources available.

Montbello 2020 and Beyond is a Registered Neighborhood Organization 501(c)(3).

Meet our team

Meet the Montbello 2020 & Beyond Board

We love Montbello and are excited for its future.

Ann White – Executive Director

Pam Jiner – Co-Chair

Sam Valeriano – Co-Chair

Esther Marcano – Treasurer

Samantha Gilmore – Program Development

Nancy Strudwick – Board Member

Stella Nash – Board Member

Chris Urias – Board Member

Walter Huff II – Board Member

Lawrence Murray – Board Member

Invest in our success.

Help us make our community stronger and more connected. Donate what you can or become a sponsor of Montbello 2020, RNO.

Join us to make a difference in our community.

Find our calendar and list of meetings here, as well as our Montbello 2020, RNO committees.

We’re there for Montbello.

Learn more about our impactful work and what’s next for us.

We don’t do this alone. Meet our partners.

We work with many talented and dedicated community activists to make this work possible.

We’re proud of our community’s history.

Learn a little bit about what makes our neighborhood the best in Denver.