Montbello means

“Beautiful Mountain.”

Diversity is our strength.

All are welcome!

Making Montbello stronger.

The mission of Montbello 2020 is to:

  • Enhance the quality of life in our neighborhood
  • Encourage everyone to participate in community-wide education and outreach
  • Work together with residents, businesses and local government to improve beauty and safety for all
  • Bridge communication with outside sources to the community

Invest in our success.

Montbello is a premier, relationship-driven community that takes pride in its beauty and values education, safety, diversity and inclusiveness.

Help us make our community stronger and more connected.

Meet our team

Meet Montbello 2020 & Beyond Board

We love Montbello and are excited for its future.

Ann White – Executive Director

Pam Jiner – Co-Chair

Sam Valeriano – Co-Chair

Join 400+ of your neighbors.

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