Our Work

Our Priorities for 2024

  • Aging in Place
  • Community Beautification
  • Crime Reduction
  • Diversity & Cultural Competency
  • Fundraising for Special Projects
  • Far Northeast Planning Initiative
  • Financial Literacy
  • Health & Wellness
  • Housing & Zoning
  • Neighborhood Inspection
  • Right of Way
  • Transportation (Safety &
  • Youth Engagement

Our Community Events

Annual Montbello 20/20 Wellness Fair

Hosted by Montbello 20/20 and partners such as Be Well Initiative, this annual event provides free school supplies, book bags, suits for men, prizes, food, vendors, entertainment, and has a health fair that provides screenings for residents, such as blood pressure, HIV screenings, dental services, youth and Senior services, violence prevention, and healthy food preparation.

Silverman Park Pop-Up Traffic Calming Demonstration

Hosted by Montbello 20/20, Montbello Walks, WalkDenver and Councilwoman Stacie Gilmore, this event at Silverman Park consisted of Denver’s Vision Zero “pop-up” demonstration to encourage drivers to slow down, improve pedestrian and bicycle connectivity, and make the intersection at Andrews Drive & Tulsa Court a safer and more pleasant place to access the park. Snacks and great conversation with Councilwoman Gilmore and the WalkDenver team were provided to the community to learn more about traffic safety efforts in Denver.

Our Initiatives

Montbello Walks

“Just step outside your door and take those first steps. You will meet your neighbors, you will get fresh air, and you are creating the possibilities for stronger community and new connections. Join us!” ~ Montbello resident, Girl Trek Organizer of the Year and Walk2Connect Leader, Pam Jiner.

Montbello Walks is a community walking initiative and a part of Montbello 20/20. We encourage our community members to join us for walks, lead walks, and invite people to move with our community. Everyone is welcome to walk, roll and stroll with Montbello Walks!

We want as many people as possible in the Montbello community to be walking and connecting on a daily basis. Our initiative hosts walking events that are inviting, fun, meaningful, and educational. We will connect Montbello residents, youth, local businesses, elders, and more with one another and their surroundings. Montbello Walk walking events range in length and span a variety of paces, abilities, and conditions.

Working with Seniors: SeniorSteppers Program

Montbello Walks also meets at Village Place Park on Wednesdays at 10:30 am to engage Seniors in physical activity. Known as the SeniorSteppers program, this health and wellness program is available to anyone 60 years old and over, and is designed to improve the physical, mental and emotional health of our elders through walking, hiking, gentle exercise and eating healthy.

The SeniorSteppers program provides fresh fruits and vegetables weekly, as well as attempts to meet some emotional needs of our elders. Once summer gets here, the meeting schedule changes to allow travel to other parks and trips to see Colorado’s most beautiful sites.

Our program is FREE to participants and we rely on cash donations, grants and in-kind donations to fund and equip our elders for

Golden Age Club

Montbello Golden Age Club is a group of older adults who live in our neighborhood who gather each Tuesday and Thursday at the Montbello Recreation Center to socialize, organize and have fun. They often venture to Rocky Mountain National Park, Rockies games and more. Contact Chairman Larry Murray and the group here.

What We’ve Accomplished

Census Work

Because Montbello is one of the hard-to-count communities in Denver, Montbello 20/20 applied and was of the recipients of the Denver 2020 Census Outreach Grant in early 2020. This Grant allows Montbello20/20 to coordinate and improve efforts for the community to participate in filling out the 2020 Census.

Beautification Work

Denver’s District 11 Councilwoman Stacie Gilmore’s office was able to secure the Denver Arts and Venues P.S. You’re Here Grant to bring more art to the community. We partnered with Councilwoman Gilmore’s office, Montbello Organizing Committee, Montbello Walks and local artist Thomas “Detour” Evans to beautify an area of the more than eight miles of cement storm drainage canals that are in the community. Detour’s artistic canal art, located at Andrews Drive and Peoria Street and titled “Home Sweet Montbello,” won a Mayor’s Design Award in 2019.